Sunday, 20 May 2018

Marital Metamorphosis

It is no longer gainsaying that Butterfly and Moth undergo a complete metamorphosis (life cycle) in order to attained and achieved a perfect physique needed and useful for what and whom they ought to be. As this is why and what the maker intended them to be.

“And God saw every thing that He had made,
 and, behold, it was very good. And the evening
 and the morning were the sixth day.
” Genesis 1:31

Moth and Butterfly are closely related. But they are nonetheless the same species. The facts that both are insects still do not necessarily make them the same species. As a Butterfly cannot grow into a Moth neither a Moth into a Butterfly. But they both co-exist within the same ecosystem; and they are in one way or the other a resort of protection to one another in the sight of any prying, lurking predators.

Just like a new budding Matrimony; Butterflies and Moths are very beautiful sights to behold. As beautiful as the wedding gown; the soft silken and the netted fragile veil; the gloating unrelenting efforts of the visiting guests at a wedding matrimony to catch a glimpse of the veiled face. As well as the ‘here he comes’ un-reserved comments to the groom of the day.  Although, for secondary or pregnant Bride veil is inappropriate. The veil symbolizes intact and pedigree of an unbroken, untouched hymen. Which should be lifted, broken by the groom and only the groom alone.

Genesis 24:65
For she had said unto the servant, What man 
is this that walketh in the field to meet us? 
And the servant had said, It is my master: 
therefore she took a veil, 
and covered herself.

Butterflies and Moths are easily spotted but their eggs are not handy to come by. As it is small and intangible yet this is the basis, the beginning at which their final future size, life cycle and lifespan are determined. The creator intended them to go through different stages before finally becoming what He aimed at them to be. Why going through such stages?. Shouldn't the maker just make a Moth or Butterfly as they should out-rightly be?. Why Egg, Larva  (Caterpillar), pupa and then (adult) Butterfly or Moth?. As you will notice that the habit of each transformation at different stages are quite different. For example, Caterpillar is the feeding stage while the adult is the reproductive stage.    

This should signalled a change of attitudes to us as human as one single action or reaction is never befitting for every situations. Those attitudes you’ve decided to dropped or take along with you into that matrimony; decisively has a major influence on such Matrimony. But the more and the earlier you realized that some of those attitudes which you have gathered and garnished as your mainstay of modus operandi are no longer necessary. It is childish and totally unbecoming for spouse waiting for who should be the first to apologize over a trivial matter. The more such embers linger, the more the twig of discords get consumed. And you will spend more time maintaining such negativity than you would have spent on sharing the love.

Spouses should be submissive to one another. Appreciate one another’s strengths and weaknesses. As you can't possibly, forcefully get everyone to see things from your direction. Educational, Family background, Peer group, Hierarch, chronological, necessary and unnecessary qualifications should no longer be a bone of contention. In a Holy Solemnization Matrimony. There should be nothing like the haves nor the have-nots. They both get to be equally rich or poor, weak or strong, sick or healthy, fruitful or barren, everything is all about for the worse or for the better till death do them apart. And I pray that everything about your matrimony shall be positive according to your heart's desire in Jesus name.   

Amos 3:3(KJV)
Can two walk together, 
except they be agreed?

Ephesians 5:22-25 (KJV)
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your 
own husbands, as unto the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife,
 even as Christ is the head of the church:
 and he is the saviour of the body.

as the church is subject unto Christ, 
so let the wives be to their own husbands 
in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, 
even as Christ also loved the church, 
and gave himself for it;  

Marital metamorphosis; Is a perceived misconstrued physical, mental, instinctual and spiritual ungenerously approved; assessment or ill-conceived perception on; or of your marital affinity. An adage espoused to incompatible Spouse. What do you think is impracticable about your spouse?. Age difference should not be the barrier or yardstick through which marriage is measured, mentored or justified. Rather; marriage should be that institution whereby every participant contributes and uniquely has a voice that enables unity in order to attain and achieved an equilibrium collective goals.

But there should actually be nothing or something as ‘age-difference; exception in a sole situation whereby minor (underage) are involved. Marriage is not for kids. It is for the matured and no one else except for those who are true and genuinely matured for the journey of HOLY SOLEMNIZATION. Aside from that, Marriage should be undertaken and enjoyed by those that are willing, ready and believed in the makings of good, godly and successful homes. Why should you go into homes that are bound to be broken?. You are not broken. Are you?. Definitely, you are NOT. Because I know you are perfectly and wonderfully made. And you shall succeed in that Matrimony.

Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)
I will praise You, 
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works, 
And that my soul knows very well.

Marital Metamorphosis; could or should be miraculous, psychological, doubtful or dumbfounding. Wherever the pendulum swings, always ensured you come out victoriously. As you might be one of the two major champions involved in this matrimony and, whatever perception the people around you had about your home (matrimony) such perception could only be given a Yes or No by either of you. Remember the Teacher would only grade what the Pupils submitted and the activities such as Teacher(s) observed about the Pupils.

Marriage should be an entity of equilibrium whereby the age-difference of the twain involved should not be the operating system through which the motherboard (family) functions. Presumption and assumption of this should bring quality repute not disrepute to everyone involved.  

We must at these juncture note and come to terms that it is not every man that has the abilities to maintain or retained a woman for a long lifetime. Neither is it every woman of marriageable age that has the capabilities to keep a man for the better or for the worse. Till death do them apart. And what is solely responsible for such inability is mainly ATTITUDES. Don't spiritualize such failure(s) until you are fully aware of your perfection which is rarely gotten.

Ecclesiastes 7:20
For there is not a just man upon earth,
 that doeth good, and sinneth not. 

“No man is handsome more 
than his behaviour; neither
 is there any woman 
who is more  than 
her attitudes”.

The moment you prepared your mindset toward not been compatible with your spouse in one way or the other, and you remained resolutely determined and transfixed under such mindset. That moment is the same moment such union started heading towards the rock. And the sage question is ‘Why should you already be into such relationship before making comparison?. Though; this is good and possible, if for the sake of improving on what you do not like about the relationship. But how many relationships would you likely backed out from?. If you do not get ready to adopt and adapt to some certain rules and pedigree that made a successful Matrimonial home?. The foundation of which is your key-attitudes. That attitudes you tenaciously hanged on; might just be that undoing the sanctity and sanity of that Godly Matrimony. The earlier your realized this; the better.

And that is a  proceeding, you must be patiently careful about and be sure that you’re not the one actually making the wrong moves here. Because your spouse might be one of those who was raised on the platter whose reason to appreciate little kind gestures were inept. And you were raised to appreciate every little kind, good and unsavoury gestures. Which implies that both of you are directly opposite each other. To make a successful home either of you must be willing to swing and switch at a point in time. As both remaining transfixed might spell such relationship as NON-FUNCTIONAL. 


"The mirror by your side cannot 
reflect your posture as that standing
or sitting opposite." 

These and many more areas are the paths were Marital Metamorphosis should be proportionally engendered. Most of us conclude too cheaply when going into spousal (marital) relativity. Without putting some certain consideration on Sociological, physiological, Psychological, analogical, gerontological, pathological, economical reason(s). Though love conquered all. Yes. No doubt about that, but you are human. Can you continue loving your spouse gainfully, woefully and wastefully?. Mostly when his/her genuine habits are revealed unexpectedly and such habits tend to be everything opposite your true definitions. How long do you think you can contend with this?. And if you couldn't. How positive or negatively do you intend to swing or switch?.

The credence of Life to this is that 
you can't instantly change everything 
about your Spouse. Some changes 
are gradual; while some are timed;
Some are immediately responsive
 while some are also immediately 
but not lasting for ever.  

Is your spouse that who only appreciate your input simply because he/she couldn’t contribute anything meaningful at the moment. And how does he/she react to that which had been previously meaningful now that he/she could do better than that?. How does he/she reacts when unthinkable challenges knocks and threatens to pull down on the matrimony?. Is he/she a truthful soulmate, or just a mere fleeing room mate?. How does he/she change or react to your demands?. Is he/she the type the other spouse would warn the kids to stay away from whenever utilities bills is presented?.

These and many more are the core rudiment, judicious and needed areas of Marital metamorphosis to be scrutinized. It is never an imposition rather an implosion. Yes!. Ensured you collapse those inward psychologically built barriers that could cost you the sanity of that home which you have toiled so seriously to maintain and sustained. Some of your habits might just be all and what is solely needed to work on. A faulty too is not totally useless; is it?. No!. Let's work on it before we conclude on its uselessness. Or what do you think; should we throw him/her out of the union simply on the basis of non-societal attitudes?. If our response is 'yes' It basically  means the love was not initially there from the inception.   

Your spouse doesn't like you raising your voice whenever there is a dispute or disagreement in the family. And that seems to be your psychological moment. You were never born with a raised voice. Were you? So you could possibly work on that. It might just be one of such attitudes you've garnished as you grow. Though, it might take lots of times and workings to adjust; but it is possible. And when your spouse complained about any of your habits and that same happened to be your best habit. This should be seen and taken as true love. As he/she wants to continue in the relationship but just doesn't like some certain aspects of the relationship; and has categorically speculated what he/she do not like. You both could better lived pass that. As shaving the hair is not cutting the head.   

Marital Metamorphosis wouldn’t encourage any spouse to looked down on the other. Its a positivism gospel that endorse you not to see things differently in a bid to continued playing the antagonizing roles in the matrimony. Even when your spouse is not your age mate. Is he/she your Soul mate, Sex mate or room mate?. Fine if he/she is; and better if he/she is not. If he/she is, how do you react when you are in any of those moods and he/she is not?. Do you jump at his/her neck because the other would not yielded to your bodily request?. No!. As that is the tenet and gospel of Marital Metamorphosis; that's how and why you should see why and when others do not want or need what you craved at the moment. Under such guise, I believed you can still persevered. Your spouse is a human not robotic silicons even robot failed. Don't they?.       

Immediately Adam set his eyes on Eve; He didn’t think about how consequential living with this new and rarely seen specie could be. The Bible stated that Adam instantly declared that ‘This is the bone of my bone and flesh from my flesh; so therefore she shall be called a woman. Wom?-an. The first syllable is actually questioning the presence of the woman while the second is affirming that she’s definitely not like any other animals in the garden except a resemblance of the man.

Genesis 2:23 (KJV)
And Adam said, 
This is now bone of my bones, 
and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, 
because she was taken out of Man.

 Adam had been in the garden of Eden before Eve was betrothed to him. They were living together and the deficit sides of each other's attitudes were never revealed until the devil came along. Eve never knew anything about the forbidden fruit (Just like you not initially knowing everything about your spouse) until Adam informed and warned her about it. (And some spouse never worried or bothered telling you until you found out when they least expected) Hence her curiosity to eat from the fruit increased. Then the Devil’s possibility to penetrate.

The man Adam was never scared of living on the other sides of his abilities. As he has hitherto not has ever lived with any humans except animals whose physiques and structures were different from  this newly seen Woman. But he adjusted by teaching and also learn from the Woman Eve.

"As no Teacher has ever completely 
taught without learning; The more 
they taught, the more they learn. 

Genesis 3:1-6 (KJV)
Now the serpent was more subtil than any
 beast of the field  which the Lord God had made. 
And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, 
Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

And the woman said unto 
the serpent,  We may eat of the
 fruit of the trees of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree which is 
in the midst of the garden, God 
hath said, Ye shall not eat
 of it, neither shall ye
 touch it, lest ye die.

And the serpent said unto 
the woman, Ye shall not 
surely die:

For God doth know that in the 
day ye eat thereof, then your
 eyes shall be opened, and ye
 shall be as gods, knowing 
good and evil.

And when the woman saw 
that the tree was good for food, 
and that it was pleasant to the eyes, 
and a tree to be desired to make one wise, 
she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat,
and gave also unto her husband with her; 
and he did eat.

Some spouse do not have the tendency to execute a project without informing the other. And that might just be the one out of the two whose charismatic is totally endemic to failure. While some do not know how to inform the other for proper counseling and guidance. What you see is just the good or bad results of such singly taken decisions and they are ready to imposed such on the other.

Are we now saying it is not possible to have a better perfect match of couples. No! Not exactly. It is possible. But whenever it is, you are the cause and whenever it is not possible you are equally the course.

At times, the male spouse nature might be a Pigeon and the female spouse's a Parrot. The only feasibly features or comparison here is that they are both bird but they are certainly not the same type of birds. Which qualifies you and your spouse as being human but definitely you just might not be the same kind of humans. Taste, Feelings, Quests, Ideas, Curiosity. Inspiration and Aspiration of and, from both of you might just definitely not be the same. And if, eventually they are; are the timing also right and wrong when due as timely and equally engendered as expected. We are humans, there might just be some difference. And the gospel of Marital Metamorphosis is all about bridging such differences. Drop. Adopt. Adapt. Imbibe. And continue living in harmony.

As the voice ranting from the quarter of a deaf and dumb man might definitely not be his. And the facts that the couples are deaf and dumb do not necessarily make their Children deaf and dumb. Does it?. Even if you were raised from the house of violence; you can still drop that violence. As a beautiful building is not as golden and expensive as a beautiful home.     

God did not need withdrawing anything from the man (Adam) to make a woman but He intentionally took a bone from the man not to actually make a woman but to make a foreseeable side and sight that fits and corresponds with the man. Or else the man Adam wouldn’t had recognized Eve as his bone of bones and flesh from his flesh. He would’ve consented to seeing her as another creature meant to be named by Him. Of course; there were angels in the likes and physique structures of Adam whom he had seen before Eve was given to him. Because before then, Adam's being was still fully spiritual.

The remote (bone) which was taken out of the man was included in the making of the woman and they both could see a reason why they should respond to each other’s bids. Just like a Television to its remote control. God was fully aware that without the removal of his (Adam's) bone; He would never see Eve as his. Now marital metamorphosis; is all about you as one of the leading champions of a matrimony that must succeed. The devil won’t always appear in the physical whereby Eve and the first man was deceived, but watch out for his cunning tricks as it might come through those unsuspecting attitudes of yours that are just not too befitting for a sustainable matrimony.

Your spouse doesn't like dining at a particular restaurant which turned out to be your favourite. Why shouldn't either of you switch taste, to make a loved and peaceful home?. This is easy and possible except where and when the unthinkable ego is rived, present and deposited within such home.

Ephesians 4:17-23(KJV)
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord,
 that ye henceforth walk not as other 
Gentiles walk, in the vanity of 
their mind,

Having the understanding darkened, 
being alienated from the life of God
 through the ignorance that is in them, 
because of the blindness 
of their heart:

 Who being past feeling have given 
themselves over unto lasciviousness,
 to work all uncleanness 
with greediness.

But ye have not so learned Christ;

If so be that ye have heard him, 
and have been taught by him, 
as the truth is in Jesus:

That ye put off concerning the former 
conversation the old man, which is
 corrupt according to the
 deceitful lusts;

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

Adam was never scared of living at the opposite of his God-giving abilities. Because he remembered vividly that God the creator has informed and duly appraised his enable-ness to subdue the earth. Ever since he has been given the instruction not to eat from the forbidden; he obeyed and abide until the woman comes along. Though that is never an excuse for the man Adam. Neither is it a soft landing for him. But this was to portray the direction whereby couple(s) are meant to abide. And the creator (God Almighty) never spared that who gives the excuses of been deceived or pushed by the other. They were both equally treated the same. Whenever one sin, all have equally sin. Same sin, Same penalty, Same forgiveness, Same grace, same salvation.

(Genesis 1:28) 
New Living Translation
Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and
 multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish
 in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals 
that scurry along the ground.”

Sometimes the Husband might be a pigeon in nature and the wife parrot in nature. The truth here is that both are definitely not from the same background but they belonged to the same class. Both could definitely co-exist as a pet but to enjoin each other as spouse might just be another hilarious impossible epic animation story from Walt Disney. But it is possible.

Matthew 19:26 (NKJV)
26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them,
 “With men this is impossible, but with God 
all things are possible.”

God has given you the Power. You can save your relationship You can save your home Why should you let that who belong to you be thrown to the dog?.

 You were never forced on each other. What happened?. Halfway into your marital journey?. Are that loads of heavy items of luggage of unwanted attitudes?. You need to drop them. Anger; Jealousy; Malice; and all sorts of debilitating attitudes. Why are you so scared about going in the opposite direction? If your spouse attitudes seem not to be towards the direction which you maintained. Why don’t you try switching yours to the other direction? As certain things are better functional in opposite direction to each other. Even Electricity circuits in your home or offices have a functional capacity or tendency of negative and positive which is in opposite comportment to one another. As that might just convince him/her to equally see things from your direction.

Everything you need to be what and whom you ought to be in life is never fully deposited on your path alone. Some are deposited directly opposite you. That is why according to creation Man remained the opposite of woman from creation up to date. While literary speaking Boy is the opposite of Man. And marriage is never for kids. If a man could successfully drop his been boyish attitudes; he could as well drop and develop necessary ability to live and make a successful matrimony. Don't worry. Come along. Cross to the other sides of your relationship. Just to please your spouse. The relationship is meant to please one another. 

The thief at the left hand of the cross was scared to cross to the centre but that on the right was quick to cross. He was never scared. Though He was everything in contrary to Jesus sermon. But He remembered just one thing He might have heard The Almighty Saviour preached about which is 'repentance'. Despite the facts that the death, hell and devil in him wouldn't easily permit him. Because He belongs to the world and the Devil. He might even be one of those robbers that robbed the good Samaritan our Dear Saviour preached about. (Luke 10:30-37)

But he abandoned the old habit that would have denied him a free easy entrance into paradise and you know what?. He reigned with our Lord Jesus Christ. Because all his old iniquities were totally forgiven. You can do same to that matrimony and may you remain bless as you do so (Amen). 

If Goliath is a giant in nature his wife could possibly be. But why must a mammoth as big as an Elephant be destroyed by a scorpion venom?. That’s an epitome of those attitudes that are totally unnecessary to maintain or sustained a happily forever Matrimonial union. David is minute to Goliath yet he destroyed him and his hosts. The difference here is 'attitudes' because faith cometh through attitudes. David's attitudes and heartfelt is of God. Hence the possibility to push and pulled down a mammoth as gigantic as Goliath. David was so characteristically fortified, after defeating Goliath He used his attitudes (sword) to dismembered him. In case you do not know. Whatsoever attitudes you displayed in that matrimony is a sword (psychological weapon) sharpen enough either to protect, save, annihilate or completely destroy the matrimony.

David was such a young ruddy shepherd boy so, so insignificant to Goliath. Just the way you looked down on those attitudes of yours that are seen and perceived as non-important about you. But David didn't actually kill Goliath with the stones he picked. He killed and destroyed Goliath by his attitudes; the sword. All Goliath hope and strength were channelled and deposited on those weapons which were eventually used to destroy him. Ego is headstrong about his downfall. If your spouse complained and doesn't like an attitude about you. Just drop it. You were never born with such as all behaviours were learned. Claiming not been able to drop a habit is tantamount to Goliath's ego which is nothing but disunion and destruction.

1 Samuel 17:51 (KJV)
51 Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, 
and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, 
and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. 
And when the Philistines saw their 
champion was dead, they fled.

  Another credence of life to this which is most evident is that 'No Matrimony has ever been unified neither is there any destroyed without the direct or indirect consent of one or the two major members involved" 

You and your spouse might have a totally different background upbringing. You might be raised from within the affluence of a royal diadem family. While your spouse might be that who was raised and nurtured by every hashtag of the street and ghetto. But love, at first sight, might have temporary subdue him/her. So, how long do you think such pretext could be continued?. Love can actually cover that forever only if you allowed such to reign. You can kill that Goliath threatening to break that union which is your attitudes. Or continue living with such goliaths which portend and threatens to break the union of that good, sweet and Godly unified Holy Solemnization Matrimony. 

His/her true natures will definitely resurface. It is just a matter of time. But marital metamorphosis still maintained that you can tame it. When your spouse defended you against that unsuspected attackers on the street. You were glad the way he/she threw punches and jabs at the attackers. But during all these while and afterwards, you never take time to question your curiosity as ‘who will receive such punches and jabs in the absence of attackers, at the presence of unperturbed waves of anger?. But you can pacify such anger with a positive attitude and you can as well aggravate such with the same attitudes that are negative. You could as well tamed such not to ever occurred at all. All these and many more are possible as recipes of attitudes whereby you or your spouse are recipients. And in cases whereby your attitudes to maintain, control, pacify or petrified absolutely failed. Dear brethren; why and how did you get there?. 

Blaming you for this?. No, not at all. Just recalling your mindset to the facts that you were warned by the spirit in you; but the bubbling going on, in and around you at the time forbade you from seeing the light hence your reason(s) for been trapped in this matrimony that cannot be corrected or rescued by marital metamorphosis; which is the gospel been preached by many and every Apostles who has ever lived before us. It is definitely not everybody out there that is meant for you. So your quests or rushed to get hooked or knotted should not be a haste to been force-pulled on 'just anyone'.

You are somebody, not just anyone. You are unique and special even with or without physical or mental disabilities. You are still intact and perfectly made. Do not surrender to quietism while on the quests to Marital blissfulness as these should be a resort to your completeness, not regret.       

“What kind of a man are you?”
Princess Fiona yielded at the top of her voice by asking her rescuer(s) which is an Ogre in the name of Shrek and his ‘stupid, ugly, talking annoying donkey.” And these quality were all according to Shrek view of his donkey, a sudden forcefully acquaintance. Shrek simply responded to the princess’ question by saying “ One of the kind”.

Your spouse might have been perceived or misconstrue as ‘one of the kind’ as largest percentage of spouse(s) all over the world has been able to master the crafts and techniques (deceit) on how  to shield some of their unwarranted attitudes and these only resurfaced under the guise of unexpected or unsuspected happenings. So whenever your instinct, the spirits that live and drives everything in your physical been doubt and questioned your reason on why you should or should not go into that matrimony take time, again and again, to check whether there is something hidden about the union-to-be which you are yet to fathom.

Serena Williams dropped her long maintained refusal to switch to the other side, just recently on November 16, 2017. As she tied the knot with her love at first sight Ohanian in New Orleans. Despite the fact that her father could not make it to the Wedding ceremony to work her down the aisle. She could bear that as well as she carried on as if it was never a big deal. What a Marital Metamorphosis? Physically they are not the same. Their background or professions is equally never the same. But they have been able to see what and how powerful love could be endeared and engendered one to persevere. This is the tenet and gospel of Marital Metamorphosis. As all raised shoulders were dropped for love and peace and union and holy matrimony to thrive. Hallelujah!  

Do you still resent within that Matrimony because you are an attention seeker and your spouse couldn't give all when needed and necessary?. You can cope if so determined. Instead of you considering to break away from that union; why don't you work and improved on your attitudes. Drop some of your attitudes and adopt some. But be so sure that what you are dropping is those perceived and observed as non-useful. As artificial and unnecessary ego could be one of such. Then your newly adopted ones should be Christ-like as no home could stand the test and trial of times without the continued backing of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. The foundation of every home.

I have buried my head and mind in researches and my spirit under the flows of the anointing of the HOLY GHOST in order to write this to you. So that you remained ever faithful and productive in that home. As I have gone through so many homes in the course of my upbringing. And observed that the main course(s) i.e. roots of broken homes is attitudes. Characters that should have been thrown outside on the dumpsite before making such an august entrance into the matrimony were known or unknowingly the instinctual sledgehammer that laid bare the foundation of such union. 

I have equally seen and experienced any and every malady a broken home could bestow upon anybody. If you let that godly home goes broken. Have you ever for once thought about hereabout, whereabouts and welfare of Child(ren) gotten by such union?. That is one of the major why any Solemn Matrimony is never in anyway a trivial matter. It's never a matter to be taken for granted.

Both God the Father ordained it. As God the Father Himself supported it by joining Adam to Eve an instant and ready-made atonement for the removal of the bodily and physical sins they've subjected themselves to. And God the Son in the resemblance of human also attended same at the Wedding in Cana where He performed His first miracle. Also God the Holy Spirit also attended and still remained in attendance mostly when such Matrimony is a(n) HOLY SOLEMNIZATION MATRIMONY.   

1 Corinthians 10:4
and all of them drank the same spiritual water. 
For they drank from the spiritual rock that traveled
 with them, and that rock was Christ.

Rejoice in the Lord always; 
and again I say, 
Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 

You can please send your prayer request or 
any questions to the contacts below; Tel: +234 8033646382, 
+234 8023956872 (WhatsApp) 

You can also please support this ministry to rent landed property as a
worship centre with any amount that is most  convenient for you. 
Bank acct: Alayo Lateef Folorunsho 3013041255 (First Bank Nigeria Plc)

And we pray and thank God Almighty and Our Lord Jesus Christ to bless
those whose financial assistance has been received and every believers all 
over the world.  May the peace and grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST 
continue to be with us all Amen. 

was never sent to condemn 
but to save You.
John 3:17
Folorunsho Alayo

The first five Pre-marital flaws (Part one)

  Every intended spouse(s) are clearly coming out of one marriage from where they were produced, raised catered for; or been previously ma...