Saturday, 8 September 2018


"To every journey, there 
is certainly a destination as 
there is no journey of whatever 
instances without a 

God the creator of the universe considered you first and the most before creating many and every possibility. He intended to give you all and the best you could ever imagine. He purposed upon His myriad purposes to delegate and deliberate upon His purposeful best to give you ample opportunities; to attain and achieve all you as a human could ever conceive or perceived within your God-given consciousness. And God the Almighty has never created anybody without a purpose, each and every one of us was calculatedly embroid to ascertain; attain and fulfil purposes.

ISAIAH 48:17 (KJV)
Thus saith the LORD, 
thy Redeemer, the Holy One
 of Israel; I am the LORD 
thy God which teacheth 
thee to profit, which leadeth
 thee by the way that thou
 shouldest go.

The proximity to the possibility of discernment or attaining your purpose in life might seem to be enshrouded within the gibberish of known or unknown timeframe and fully or subconsciously half-baked awareness, waiting to be unravelled by the awakening clarity of vision, mission and quicken to such as you involved and engaged yourself to do so. But before then, do not throw the facts that you are BORN TO FULFIL PURPOSES IN LIFE, to the dustbin.

Consider self-discovery before aiming to push higher; Purposes are never meant to be harmonized or put in motions without self-discovery. Lack of self-discovery could be solely responsible for that act of erroneously leaving your main-real destination in search for that same destination you have just free-cheaply left behind. No man can fully recognize his destination as that where he's supposed to deploy all ever gotten abilities and technicalities and begin to make a great exploit; if such man has not first of all discovered himself.

And the best and most convenient ways of doing this is discernment. Ascertain the kind of spirit that lives in you. If it's the kind of spirit you would love to know and learn from, listen to such voice and it will lead, guide and make you whom you have aspired to be in life. The only don't to this is to be sure that it is the actual voice you should listen to. No doubt God's spirit and His voice speak through each and every one of us, but the spirit you hear every time is not almost always from God.

God is not talkative. He only talks when you need Him to, He has given you the freedom to grow, learn and know. So, therefore, He (God) had set you free on every side to decides. He only periodically check on you. And this periodically simply means He has never for once let you out of His sight. Remember His ways are not our way"

Isaiah 55:8-12 (NKJV)
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher
 than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me [a]void,  But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

“For you shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

"A Full Self-discovery 
is better than a meagre 
self-recovery. Nevertheless; 
a partial self-recovery can never
 be totally set abased as
non -recovery".

There is recovery to discovery and discovery to recovery, one of the basic truth about this life enablement is that every man doesn't get it right at the same time. Another side to it is that this present time might just be all that is needed for you to do the needful and yours' truthfully sail into being that whom you were purposed to be.

As a purposeless driven
life cannot leave a solid
imprint on the sand of
time forever 
Before proceeding deeper and further; I must like to hint you ahead on that one thing that I'm seriously sure on concerning you. There is none elsewhere to properly inform you as regarding your purpose in life than that spirit that lives right there within you. I am not never the one nor any other ministers, men/women of God anywhere across the globe. We are just mere physical, instinctual, psychological teachers addressing you here and there to the activities and activeness of that great Teacher that lives right there within you.

Although some of us might claim to be spiritual, the gospel truth is that we can never be spiritual as that breath of life that lives in us. In the kingdom of God, none is greater than the other we are all brethren. But remember;

1 John 4:4 (KJV)
Ye are of God, little children, 
and have overcome them: 
because greater is he that is 
in you, than he that is 
in the world.


Genesis 2:7 (KJV)
And the Lord God formed man
 of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils 
the breath of life; and man 
became a living soul.

Although there could be one opposing the other and your genuinely sole soul-body representative remaining neutral out of confusion. But remaining neutral doesn't send anyone to the top gear of the motion. You either align to one or the other and in doing this, the utmost care-attitudes must be deployed. Been misformed is to be deformed and been ideological deformed sees no one to the spree of achieving that much sorted after purposes.

Whenever your heart is not in conformity with your spirit and the brain likewise is not feeding the entire body positively. The projected vision is blurred and the mission remained incompletely unaccomplished. To aim high and low in order to be a purpose-driven achiever in life your heart must be gainfully set at par to fail and succeed on such a mission. But If such rear the burden of failures the ebullience of successes cannot be attained. But whenever such heart is so worshipping to the so determinant of giving the intended goals whatever it takes. Such purposes might just be ripe enough to be achieved. And the billows of fears and failures cannot dare stop you.

The greatest temple
worthy enough for worship
and which can always be 
known to human is 
the HEART. 

Ephesians 4:23

and that you be renewed 
in the spirit of your mind,

Why Purposes might not be achieved on time;
The Bible talked about not dispersing our youthful figures; 

"It is good for a man that 
he bear the yoke in 
his youth".


1 Timothy 4:12 (KJV)

Let no man despise thy youth; 

but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in 
conversation, in charity, 
in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Illicit sexual acts could be one of the ways one's youth would be despised because, during the sexual act, covenants are initiated and broken. The spiritual wealth (the purpose for living) of anybody could be temporarily taken, permanently hijacked or forever stolen. Sex is spiritual, but to some, it is a sport should we now unanimously agreed upon sex as sports? But remember that even sports are spiritual to some, so therefore sex is spiritual. Our Lord Jesus Christ said in:

John 10:10 
The thief comes only to steal
 and kill and destroy. I came
 that they may have life 
and have it abundantly.

Don't be too quick to assume that I'm sounding too matured about this but punctually speaking, you need to be reasonable and calculatively matured in order to dearly achieve and give your God-given purposes a divinely definite definition. Sex could be one of the major factor disturbing you from the timely achievement of your purposes in life. God knows why he gave hymen to humans as that man or woman you have been with retained a spiritual drag-pull of connectivity on or with you forever.

Your lifestyle should be a dragnet or magnet whatever you've aspired or acquired should be taken through a scrutiny of personal sorting of the kind of life one would like to lead and be led by. Before finally adopting same as the way of life to go.

During sexual intercourse, lots of things are transferred from one to the other. But this is good if one engaged in it with a real, genuine veritable soul mate as both have been made one body and no longer two so whatever purposes meant to be achieved by one could still be togetherly driven to achievement by one or the other. Medically; one might be warned against unprotected sex which is a good warning for warning and safety sake. But no matter how well one might be physically protected during sexual intercourse, this does not in any way transcend to spiritual protection which was what and all and the most necessarily needed cogency to be whom and what one should be in life. Because the blessing was first of all deposited within the man but later divided between the man and the woman. And sex might have been one of the best ways to tap into this.    

But been erroneously involved in this could spell doom for the purpose bearer. The wealth embedded within the life of one could be transferred to the other. And if such is spiritually stronger than you or you than him or her "Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather" Matthew 24:18. Remember the fallen angels in Genesis didn't merely transform to a human in order to actually come for bodily gratifications alone. But they came down to steal purposes from sons and daughters of men. You might want to suggest that they have been destroyed by the flood. Do not be deceived dear brethren. They were not. Though they were condemned for such acts they still retained their angelic activities. Genesis 6:2 

Have you ever been wondering why the Bible says in; 

Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV)
He who finds a wife finds 
a good thing, And obtains 
favor from the Lord.      

What kind of favours is the Bible referring to?.
What has finding a wife (Spouse) got to do with achieving one's purpose?.
What kind of wealthy potentials are hidden within matrimony that could influence
or affect achieving purposes in life?.

Dear brethren, before proceeding on these I plead with you to note and know that once wrongly married in life. Destined purposes would be rechanneled. Achieving your destined purposes in life are prettily enshrouded around this.

A Farmer whose catapult 
pellets are grains of maize
will surely plant a garden 
of maize he might not
be able to harvest

1 Samuel 21:4-5 (NIV)
But the priest answered David, 
“I don’t have any ordinary
 bread on hand; however, 
there is some consecrated 
bread here - provided the 
men have kept themselves
 from women.”

5 David replied, “Indeed 
women have been kept 
from us, as usual whenever
[a] I set out. The men’s bodies 
are holy even on missions 
that are not holy. How much
 more so today!”


What has sex got to do with achieving one purpose in life?.

Wrongly or deliberately attached to a wrong spouse sees no one making headways in life. Because your focus is different from one another. Even if both of you had the same societal orientation; the truth be told which is, both of you are never the same thing. He/She is not ready to achieve your pursuit or goals...

Rejoice in the Lord always; 
and again I say, 
Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 

You can please send your prayer request or any 
questions to the contacts below; 
Tel: +234 8033646382, 
+234 8023956872 (WhatsApp) 

God loves cheerful givers: 
Bank acct: Alayo Lateef Folorunsho 
3013041255 (First Bank Nigeria Plc)
Grace and peace be with all brethren all 
over the world for your support, Amen
was never sent to condemn 
but to save You.
John 3:17

Folorunsho Alayo

The first five Pre-marital flaws (Part one)

  Every intended spouse(s) are clearly coming out of one marriage from where they were produced, raised catered for; or been previously ma...