Tuesday, 21 August 2018


There's hope for 
the Single and 
than for the married 
to be murdered

It is the will of God the creator that man and woman be enjoined in Holy matrimony and thereby live together as husband and wife for the rest of their lives till death do them apart. It is also the will of God and the law of the land, the ethos of whatever ethnic group, religious body or society and nationalities they belonged to that neither has the right to unnecessarily lord it over one another or should kill one another under the tenet or guise of whatever; as long as the relationship lasted till (natural) death do them apart.

Matthew 19:6
Wherefore they are no more twain, 
but one flesh. What therefore 
God hath joined together, 
let not man put asunder.” 

In Christianity divorce is not supported neither has it been ever-mostly given a bold thud of ways out of the whatever matrimony mostly when such is deemed to be that marital entity which is facing any and every mayhem. The sermon to endure is almost always deployed, which is not bad in any way only if the parties involved are ready, willing and going to turn a new leaf. Ours is the almost always presume-perceived conclusion of an Eldorado conceived aspiration of 'all shall be well' or in a better short three words rephrase "IT IS WELL". And I do not have any objection against that except just going to take a little slight excepting position from that which instil and intimate spouse(s) to a supposed forever blissfulness that eventually calculatedly, intent-driven or accidentally and coincidentally led to their earlier unsuspected and untimely grave. SIGNS OF MARITAL MAYHEM. 

Mark 10: 5 
“It was because your hearts 
were hard that Moses wrote 
you this law,”  Jesus replied. 

Spouse doesn't just get to kill each other at an instant. There are built up to this. Then before such build up. You young single ladies/men out there, do you know him/her properly enough to warrant giving up your everything, your origin, careers, friendship portfolio and that which you have gathered, garnished and acquired before knowing or meeting him/her to join and then continuing living the rest of your life with him/her for the rest of your days till natural death shall do you apart?.

But before driven too deep into that which has been witnessed by almost every race and tribe across the globe. Yes and definitely correct, as a faith base body, all shall surely be well for each and every one of us all over the world. And I must seize these opportunities to reach out to all the faithful across the world. Who has been a constant follower of the gospel as explained and related by your brethren in Christ; Folorunsho Alayo. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all in Jesus mighty name. (Amen)

Marital Mayhem could be that which is the only best way to tag the murder of two daughters and a pregnant wife by the same man the woman held as husband and the daughters knew as a father. Dear single ladies/men out there; the only source who would dare not for any reason betray you for whatever price lives right there within you. That is your conscience; where the spirit that leads and guide you aright are enshrined. The first stage of marriage is perfect and total convictions that you are getting married to the right, not the wrong person. Second is the consent between both family. Marriage is actually a direct entry to enjoined a grown woman to a matured man while indirectly joining two distinct families together. In a nutshell, a marriage is actually between two or more families.

The clergy or laws or gathering that enjoined the twain together could as well be one among the condemned when such marriage eventually hit the rock and a marital mayhem ensued. But the right to the condemnation of such has been exonerated off the shoulders of whoever attends or performed the holy solemnization in whatever ways or rite inasmuch as both the man and the woman were asked and thoroughly questioned before such is proclaimed husband and wife. Parents and both family duly involved and fully carried along. And also whoever stood up to confess or attest to the reason(s) he/she think they could or should not be joined in holy matrimony is not that totally guilty; until the wrong is right no marriage of whatever pedigree should proceed (Roman 8:1).



The Bible said in;
1 Corinthians 10:12
Wherefore let him that 
thinketh he standeth 
take heed lest he fall.

When you see matrimony around you been threatened; do not feel too relaxed or unconcerned. As any and every matrimony around you are directly or indirectly connected to you or your matrimony. Even just witnessing the establishment or celebration of such has made you a relative of the newly established union. If such union is threatened and you got find of such treat your feelings or steps to play a rescue team role shall be favour by the most high mostly when such is genuinely rendered.

Numbers 14:36-38

The challenges that could be taken or endure by some could never be taken by another. At times in a matrimony, the unexpected happened and this is never limited or peculiar to a certain set of people or a fixative marital matrimony. The sky is everywhere as long as the universe is concerned. But the kind of spirit or capability deployed by the occupants of such relationship determined the conformity of such union as long and fierce as the storms rages and when such storms are eventually going to be calm. The ability you have to accept and embalmed a debilitating situation might never be given to another who is currently experiencing the same thing as yours. That is why marriage during solemnization is summarized for the best and for the worse till death shall do both of you apart.

1 Samuel 11:15, I Samuel 25:25-27

In 2016 a 31-year-old husband killed his wife and stored her body in the freezer for good solid three months over an argument which could have been stemmed or averted. And he confidently remained living in the same building with the dead body of a wife he once claimed to love shrouded in the same bedspread they had once shared together and same tuck away in the forever coolness of the freezer right there on their balcony. While he continued lavishing the dead wife wealth with other loose women in his life. No matter the magnitudes or consequence of a grievance it never in anyway worth the life of any human. But that would have been as a result of unprecedented calculations.

What a right thinking person would dare kill a person he once has sworn to love forever?. How could you a man or woman be in a matrimony and would not expect the other to at least for once in a while question your motive on certain situation?. God the creator gave you two ears. He could have decided to give you one and nobody would question Him for doing so. And you as well should have remained single if you do not want your authority to be punctured, punctuated or thwarted by that whom you have sworn to love, nurture, respect and care for till death shall do you twain apart.

Unprecedented calculations is an aid to marital mayhem in a situation whereby your spouse feels intimidated about your materials wealth or skill acquisitions even your physiques. This is a preempt pointer toward an unforeseen marital future doom or mayhem. It is easy to note but those whose marital experience remained everly shallow or those whose tutelage experience is not deep enough would expect and hallucinate an easy method of bending a dried fish without a crack. Even God the creator said this about human in;

Genesis 6:3-6  (KJV)
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

1 Samuel 11:15

A priest once broke down in tears while reading from the book of Ecclesiastes 3: at the wake - keep of a young lady gruesomely killed by her husband. Everybody was surprised initially misconstrued his actions and reactions as a mere sympathy for the dead. Though there is hope for the beloved who are dead in Christ;

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18  (KJV)
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

But the Bible has never in any way suggest that spouse should kill one another. The priest conducting the wake - keep could no longer carry on but elders rally round him and strengthened him right there on the pulpit. They urged him to please carry on with sermon and words of exhortations. But at a crescendo whereby he narrated the reason(s) for his tears, the entire congregations could rarely be stopped from shedding tears. According to the priest, he said as a young priest back then he performed funeral rites for the mother of the deceased who died while giving birth to her. He was also the same priest who enjoined her in holy matrimony to the same man who eventually killed her twenty-five years after the christening. And what an irony he's also going to be the same priest performing her funeral rites barely four years into the same marriage that eventually untimely ended her life. Her journey into this world was suddenly abrogated. Through a fault that was not totally her making. Signs of Marital Mayhem if steadily listened to would save lots from an untimely death.

The lady is no more, the killer husband has been held in prison by the law and the colleagues of the same deceased has a whole lot tales of woes that were never relaying to them until they found out at the die minutes to her early grave. She was killed before she was even thirty. According to her colleagues sometimes ago, when the lady resume they'll notice bruises all over her body but she would rather hang it on been robbed or had an accident on her way homeward. Instead of coming to face the facts that she has been domestically abused by her spouse. While she continued enduring her assassinating assailant. Until she was eventually killed. Wouldn't she had rather remained single and alive instead been erroneously enjoined in matrimony to her killer.
  1. A spouse who could not be proud of you in the public for whatever reason(s) is an epitome of hidden SIGNS OF MARITAL MAYHEM.
  2. A spouse who refuses to see things from your angle at least for once is another sign of Marital Mayhem
  3. That spouse who wants his/her decision to be final on everything is another sign of marital mayhem. That is an imposition, not conformity. Marriage thrives more on conformity, not on imposition.
  4. A spouse who is not easily satisfied i.e. a greedy spouse is a sign of marital mayhem.
  5.  That spouse who does not respect your family is a sign of marital mayhem.
  6.  And be careful about that spouse who has never challenge or question you about anything. Your spouse is human and has definitely something to say about what you might be doing.
  7. Also, that spouse who is too quiet about every happening within the matrimony might be breeding something toward Marital Mayhem.  
Dear brethren (spouse) in the Lord, it is morally-psychological wrong and directly incorrect when everything you do pleases you spouse. And equally when everything you do not do angers him/her. This is a clear sign of marital mayhem. Your spouse is human and human's wants are insatiable. He or she should occasionally state how he/she feels some situations should be handled. Sanities are running within his/her feigns But when your spouse does not complain or excessively kept mute. Such spouse might be consoling his/herself toward doing something sinister. Though, pretext might be one of the greatest habit leading to marital mayhem. But you sure as an already spouse or one just going into a relationship that you could at least predict some quotient of your spouse's attitudes. Thereby being able to know or detected when such is definitely hiding something that might eventually lead to your, his or her even anyone's early grave.

Do not go into any 
marital relationship; 
solely because of what 
you want but rather
 because of what the other
participant want and which
you have gotten to offer

Humans are known for 
paying more for what 
they want
than given more to
 feed what you want 
which is not their interest

Dear married or single all over the world, do not remain silent at the onslaught of an abuse, be it marital, organizational or societal. Speak out before such abuse snuff out your life. There are lots of SOS, NGO even the RED CROSS. Talk to someone today; to get out of any and every maltreating abuse. Why should you die today when you can easily talk to some today and be saved today and therefore live forever?.          

Rejoice in the Lord always; 
and again I say, 
Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 

You can please send your prayer request or any 
questions to the contacts below; 

Tel: +234 8033646382, 
+234 8023956872 (WhatsApp) 

God loves cheerful givers: 
Bank acct: Alayo Lateef Folorunsho 
3013041255 (First Bank Nigeria Plc)
Grace and peace be with all brethren all 
over the world for your support, Amen
was never sent to condemn 
but to save You.
John 3:17

Folorunsho Alayo

The first five Pre-marital flaws (Part one)

  Every intended spouse(s) are clearly coming out of one marriage from where they were produced, raised catered for; or been previously ma...