Saturday, 20 October 2018

love is universal

                        There is enough love in the world.
                        Enough love to share and shun
                        enough to quench scarcity
                        and give more to plenty.

                                                      Enough to offend and be offended
                                                      enough to be sinful and forgiven
                                                      enough love to makes more friends and
                                                      less enmity; enough to eschew racism 
                                                      and enough to embrace all as
                                                      one and one as all.

                                    Enough to give and less to withdrawn
                                    There are enough beautiful songs
                                    and enough anxious, patience ears
                                    to listen to them.

                                                                         Enough lost and lust
                                                                         enough to be raised,
                                                                         rescued and saved
                                                                         enough to be betrothed
                                                                         than unions to be broken.
                                                                         Enough funeral than a
                                                                         wishful acts  of killing more

                  There are enough orphans
                  in the world than for
                  anyone to be societally
                 baren or philanthropically childless.

                                  There is enough space
                                        in your car than for you
                                            travelling all alone.

                                                    There are enough rooms
                                                         in your palacia abode
                                                             than for any to be an outcast
                                                                   or homeless.

                                                                        There are enough chicken
                                                                                in the world than for you
                                                                                   stealing from your neighbour's farms.
                                                                                                   Even those lovely little stray birds
                                                                                                    you could help keep until
                                                                                                      the owners come asking.
                                                                                                       Who knows, your dinner
                                                                                                          might be served
                                                                                                            with well-dressed turkey.
                                                                                                                 Instead of dining with a                                                                                                                                    burden conscience  laden                                                                                                                              stolen turkey

All these sayings are proverbial and metaphorical.  Revelation 2:7 (NKJV)

“He who has an ear, 
let him hear what the 
Spirit says to the churches. 
To him who overcomes I will
 give to eat from the tree
 of life, which is in the midst
 of the Paradise of God.” ’

With your wonderful, one little heart of kindness there's a whole lot of imbalance you could help balance. And some so many imperfections upon whose weakly erected entity your generous hands and hearts could play a most wonderfully, necessarily needed helping hands. If it seems alright and perfect for you at the moments. How about those whose source of income is in dire needs of help?. There is enough in the world waiting to be shared and by this, I do not mean jumping under every cover of sexual immoralities. That is carnal and do not gratify any and many of the gifts of the spirits.

"If it is in your heart 
to give;  love simply 
dwells within you 
and you among
 us that does the will of 
our Father who art in HEaven".

1 Corinthians 12:1-12 (KJV)

Now concerning spiritual gifts, 
brethren, I would not have 
you ignorant.

2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, 
carried away unto these 
dumb idols, even as
 ye were led.

Wherefore I give you to understand, 
that no man speaking by the 
Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: 
and that no man can say that 
Jesus is the Lord, but by 
the Holy Ghost.

Now there are diversities of 
gifts, but the same Spirit.

And there are differences 
of administrations, 
but the same Lord.

And there are diversities of 
operations, but it is the same 
God which worketh all in all.

But the manifestation of the 
Spirit is given to every man 
to profit withal.

For to one is given by the 
Spirit the word of wisdom; to
 another the word of knowledge
 by the same Spirit;

To another faith by the same Spirit;
 to another the gifts of healing 
by the same Spirit;

To another the working of miracles; 
to another prophecy; to another 
discerning of spirits; to another 
divers kinds of tongues; to
 another the interpretation
 of tongues:

But all these worketh that
 one and the selfsame Spirit, 
dividing to every man 
severally as he will.

For as the body is one, 
and hath many members, 
and all the members of that 
one body, being many, 
are one body: 
so also is Christ.

Whenever you sit eating on your luxury dining table consider this; though you might want to argue that they all did it for a prize. But firstly considered the gold or silver plated cutlery you are eating with. The man  or Smith who made or fashion it never knew you'll be using it or when you might need it. But he proceeded to do it to serve a purpose or meet a need.

We are humans, and we are not humans for nothing sake. We are humans for a sake. For that human who is rich, you are rich not for yourself alone but also for the sake of those fellow humans who are materially incompetent and poor. And to those humans who have homes to live in, those homeless, hopeless, visionless are your sake. To those humans who have more than enough to eat, that hunger-stricken fellow human is your sake. Even when and if you would not have any further reason(s) for doing these, do it for humanity sake.

He who has a place to run away from the cold should remember and consider those who had nowhere to run away from the cold. 

Love as it is, is not having all your principles maintained the exact 
way you have outlined them, but it involved withdrawal and going 
beyond the limits of your principles.
Inasmuch as it is for 
humanity sake"  

John 13:34-35  (KJV)
34 A new commandment 
I give unto you, That ye love 
one another; as I have loved
 you, that ye also love 
one another.

35 By this shall all men 
know that ye are my disciples, 
if ye have love one to 

Sometimes we think we can do it and sometimes we think we cannot do it but our creator knows our capacity so therefore if you think you can do it go ahead and do it but if you think you cannot do it, do not quit until you have given it a try. But the eventuality of all these matters is that the rich will die likewise the poor. The Haves and the have not. At a point in time, we shall return to the dust while our spirit shall be harvested either for justifications or rustication. And the good Lord shall say to the ones on the right...Matthew 25:35 - 40

If you are still been led or guided by the negative thesis of racism before you could lend a helping hand to that person who most necessarily needed it. You are not matured enough to share the goodies-good news and messages of love. Love is that seed which was given to all and sundry to be shared. If you truly have it; go ahead and share it. God bless you as you do so.

You might be reluctantly wondering if the little love you are about going to share is actually going to make any meaningful difference. But to that hearts and hands who most needed it. That kind, little act of yours is sure a long way to procure and save a long furlong lost soul.

1 Corinthians 13:13 (NKJV)
13 And now abide faith, hope, 
love, these three; but the greatest 
of these is love.

Rejoice in the Lord always; 
and again I say, 
Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 

You can please send your prayer request or any 
questions to the contacts below; 
Tel: +234 8033646382, 
+234 8023956872 (WhatsApp) 

God loves cheerful givers: 
Bank acct: Alayo Lateef Folorunsho 
3013041255 (First Bank Nigeria Plc)
Grace and peace be with all brethren all 
over the world for your support, Amen
was never sent to condemn 
but to save You.
John 3:17

Folorunsho Alayo

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