Thursday, 7 September 2017


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. JESUS CHRIST remained the everlasting most formidably entity every living beings needs to bring into his/her life. He knocks at the door of your Heart today. (Revelation 3:20) Please let Him in. He is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the End (Revelation 1:8). 

The Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counsellor (Isaiah: 9:6). Why worried?, when He is willing and ready to take you in; into His everlasting kingdom. (John 14;6) You are not alone. He’s always there with you. Are you going through anything you think is too much for you?. God will definitely take you out of that perceived hopelessness. 

What are those things you think you shouldn’t or couldn’t share with anybody even this writer?. Don’t worry, feel free. Free yourself off all these entangling spiritual tricks and bondage of the devil. Say it all to JESUS. Suicide is not the way out. Just go in and on your knees wherever you are; talk to JESUS. He is everywhere even right there by your side. With Him You are never alone.

When there is no one to call upon; when you seriously need to. Call on JESUS. He will never cast you away. (John: 6:37); Psalm 50:15. What is strong enough to separate us from the love of CHRIST?.  (Romans 8:35) The Bible said Nothing!

What are you going through presently, that made you think the love of CHRIST is insufficient for you?. And you think drinking yourself to stupor at every granted opportunities is the way out of the resulted depression?. No! JESUS is  the way, the truth and the life...(John 14:6) Come give him a try today; He will give you more comforting reason to live eternity. Because His yoke is easy  and his burden as light as non existing. (Matt: 11:30)   

You are here on earth for a purpose, you are to lead and not to be led except by the Almightiness of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. He has never condemned anyone. What condemned us are our sinful ways. And that is the only thing the Lord required us to drop and come to Him so that He might give us rest. (Matt: 11:28). His riches and blessings gives joy and comfort and it added no sorrow to it. (Proverb 10:22). He loved as no one as ever loved us. 

“Whoever does not love does not know God, 
because God is love.(1st John: 4:8), 
Greater love hath no one than this that 
someone should lay down his life 
for his friends. (John 15:13). 

He chose you as His friend, He has never for once seen you as been too far away from him. He has always been seeing you as one of His chosen vessels. You are qualified to reign with Him as long as you surrender your life to him. What are those sinful and wicked acts that has edged and nudged you out of your salvation?. JESUS ask you to drop them all today and fully surrender all to the author and finishers of your faith  (Hebrew :12:2). For you are a part to reign in His kingdom. You are not a prodigal child but a redeemed and acclaimed chosen vessels. You are bought with His blood. His grace is sufficient for you. (II Corinthians 12:9)  Even when you unwittingly laid claims to your prodigal way of life. He still call you to redemption and acceptance.

  “Whoever will forsake his sins
 and return to me 
I shall no wise cast away, 
from me” (John:6:37)

The Centurion servant destiny could had been cut short; he was condemned by every earthly physicians. But the Centurion believed that there must just be someone somewhere he is yet to meet. Though He was hopeless and helpless at the moment, nothing in the whole wide world could help him. He was a wealthy man of authority but none of those he had spent his entire life gathering could help his servant recovered from a sickness that was diagnosed but could not be treated. Despite all these, the man refused to give up a hope is yet to surrendered. But the moment he met JESUS he gave it all up and surrendered all to the healer, author and finisher of his faith.

This Centurion who had authorities but believed in higher authorities also believed that

‘Therefore, there is now no condemnation
 for those who are in Christ Jesus’  

But just likes some of us, he is yet to meet JESUS, he's just believing that there must be another physician he’s yet to meet and set out searching for that physician. When he eventually met JESUS he pleaded with Him ‘please heal my servant’. (Matt:8:5-13). 

Now if a centurion could walked that length for the sake of saving the life of his servants.
How long have you walked as a brethren to bring others to CHRIST JESUS?.

The Centurion took it upon himself and travels many miles. In order to see yet another Physician which is our LORD JESUS CHRIST. But nowadays, just as it was in the beginning.  The Good  Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is everywhere; just as He was, at the beginning. Even as you are flipping through this journal. Jesus Christ beckons and constantly knocks at the door of your heart. Why don't you open up for HIM to come in and dine and fellowship with you?. He is right there with you. You do not need to travel miles before meeting Him. (John: 4:24).       

Did your brethren, peers , society, husband, wife, neigbourhood, family, even your mind-set condemned you?.  Are you once left alone and abandoned by those whom you loved with all your heart?. There is no condemnation for you as long you are; and remained in CHRIST JESUS. He is your all in all, your loved ones will surely returned and love you again.

Sarah and Hannah were condemned by their co-wives but they were never condemned by their maker who in turn blessed them and granted all their heart desires. (Genesis 18: 10; I Samuel 1:10-20). 

Though at the inception; Abraham Sarah’s husband doubted the facts that ‘there is therefore no condemnation’  He doubted it and so therefore laughed again when the prophecy resuscitated (Genesis 17:17). And do not blame him, the woman in question has gone past her menopause. She is no longer menopausal. But this is only according to eartly-humanism scientific proofs.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?. About a year from now, just as I told you, I will return, And Sarah will have a son.” (15) Sarah was afraid, so she denied that she had laughed. But he said, “That is not true. You did laugh.” (Genesis 18:14-15).    

What are you afraid of? That has made you lived your life in denial of the bountiful grace and everlasting ample preparation your maker has gotten ready for you?. Hannah never lost sight of such grace. Despite huge despise and condemnation from Peninnah her husband’s second wife and Children. Even the Priest of God once intended to send her away from the temple. When he perceived her a drunkard. But in all these Hannah  remained fixed and resolute because she believed that ‘In all these. We are more than Conqueror’  (Romans 8:37).   

Who are those Peninnah taunting you every year for the same reason(s)?. Think less about them as the maker of your soul has affirmed concerning you that “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). The Holy Bible do not condemn you but affirmed that there’s no condemnation on you. So therefore, no sickness,  physical or spiritual is right or strong enough to condemn YOU. 

Joseph brethren condemned him, his step mother which happened to be her mother elder sister did the same. In a nut shell, his entire family excluding his father; because he had no mother presently. But what could an old-aged man physically do in the midst of ten fully grown men. Which means technically, the whole family was against him, his dreams, his vision and mission. But the essence and presence of The Almightiness was with him, the anointing remained with Joseph and the condemnation that reigned as a result of family, master or colleagues feud, were never strong enough to condemn Him. (Genesis: 37:20).

Naomi was condemned by her land of sojourned. She lost her husband and Sons. She no longer believed in anything working for her from anywhere. She decided to bid her daughters-in-law farewell and begin her long returned journey to the land of Judah. But her creator instilled in the heart of one of her daughters-in-law to go with her. When she finally got to the midst of her people, the whole city stood up for her. Giving her a standing ovation, the one befitting for a dead. As in last respect for a departed loved ones.

 They inquired of her, is this Naomi?. And she responded by saying 

‘Do not call me Naomi but Mara

“So the two continued on their journey. When they came to Bethlehem, the entire town was stirred by their arrival. Is it really Naomi?” the women asked. (20) Don't call me Naomi,” She told them. Instead call me Mara, for the almighty has made life bitter for me. (21) I went out full, but the Lord has brought me home empty. Why should you call me Naomi when the Lord has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy.   (Ruth 1:19-21). 

But because there was no condemnation strong enough once you are in Christ Jesus. Naomi lived thereafter to share her testimonies which  is a testimony that those who  had faith and hopefully wait on the Saviour would loved to relay forever and ever, Amen. What are those probing questions that are disturbing you?. They are not strong enough to condemn you, just surrender all to Jesus.

The young man David was at the moment condemned by age, assembly and designation. Even the prophet Samuel never instantly foresaw a future kingship in him. When the Jesse was told to summon all his sons for anointing and consecration. David was excluded because his father wasn’t considering him as an entity worthy enough to bring a noble man of God as Samuel; under his roof. David was just a ruddy teenager, an ordinary harper, a shepherd boy for that matter. What does he know about kingship?. Leadership is not a child play. And the reigning king Saul do not see him more than just an ordinary musician, an instrumentalist. Though, he did confirmed that he’s good at that and pleased that he should just be contented with that.

(I Samuel 16:1-13  v6. When they arrived Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought. “surely this is the Lord’s anointed” v7. But the Lord said to Samuel “Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t make decision the way you do!  People judge by outward appearance but God, looks at a person’s intentions ). 

The only one who has every power to condemn has not condemn you. All He needs you is just to drop all your sinful attitudes and surrender all to the maker of your Soul. God has never condemn anybody but our sins and unrepentance condemn us. He sees your heart and has never condemn you. Come to Him.             

The woman with the issues of blood has been abused and reduced to all sort of condemnations. But she refuses to remain that way and with her giant leap of faith,  ‘only if I could touch the helm of His cloth. (Matt: 9:20) She truncated the journey of our Lord Jesus Christ. She refuses the condemnation of the doctor and her sicknesses and took a giant leap of faith by just touching the helm of HIS cloth and her issues of blood disappeared.  

 Matt  9:18-22 (20) Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21 She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." 22 Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment. 

JESUS is inviting you right away to come touch the helm of His cloth. He has invited you. So you are qualified to come. Come unto him and touch the helm of Jesus’ cloth. Do not waste away in agony, desperation neither should you allow the condemning spiritual tricks of the devil to hold you back from surrendering your life to him today. Jesus the son of the most high God is there by your side ready and willing to serve you.

Bartimaeus the blind man was also reduced to condemnation; he had been blind for long but when he heard about Jesus Christ passing he raised his voice and shouted JESUS! Son of David please have mercy on me. The people around him, hush him, barricaded him and blocked his view from seeing  the Light. But he raised his voice and shouted the more. Son of David have mercy on me! He invited the Saviour into his life and his story changed forever. (Mark: 10:46 - 52)

51 "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. 

And here is also a question for you. Jesus asked the blind Bartimaeus "What do you want me to do for you?"  This question is also for you. What do you want Jesus to do for you? Talk to him, He is anxiously waiting to hear you ask him whatever you need from him.

Don't waste time any more, be free to ask; He is ever willing to listen. No situation under this firmament  that is so complex or big or small enough to worth your life. Your life is precious to you and your maker and people of like minded that He has created and destined to be around you, in time when you think you could no longer continue. The voice of God and that of His anointed ones edge on and out of any and every unwanted situations. YOU SHALL END WELL IN JESUS NAME.  

May the peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 
Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 

You can also please support this ministry to rent landed property as a
worship centre with any amount that is most  convenient for you. 
Bank acct: Alayo Lateef Folorunsho 3013041255 (First Bank Nigeria Plc)

And we pray and thank God Almighty and Our Lord Jesus Christ to bless
those whose financial assistance has been received and every believers all 
over the world.  May the peace and grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST 
continue to be with us all Amen. 

was never sent to condemn 
but to save You.
John 3:17

Folorunsho Alayo

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