Saturday, 28 April 2018

Your MOTHER is your first Heaven and Resuscitation

This gospel is an unending eulogy to that woman who has done so much for you. Your Mother, My mother, our Mothers. That woman who should mean the whole world to you. I mean; Your mother. Your first heaven and resuscitation. She is your first Mentor, Your First Nurse, Your first Teacher, Your First Musician and your all in all best friend; that’s your mother. The clay out of which your pots was fashioned.

Haven’t you noticed how well and much you’ve extracted and exploited this heavenly given precious gift in the form of a woman?. That woman upon whose shoulders your first tears were shed. The one who was and has been spearheading your earthly bound sojourn. How could you get this far; if you were never born by this wonderful woman?.

The first man was never born, rather he was made, created out of the earth out of the seen (dust) and unseen (Spirit) the seen you and I now trampled upon. And that made him available in the physical for you. Also through him, our spiritual being was cautioned and reduced to embraced grace from the Almighty maker.

That was when the woman (your mother) was sent. In the form of the first woman (Eve) She instituted to proceed and excel where the creator had foreseen that the man would fail as standing alone will never make him defeat the serpent. The first woman tarried so long in the bosom of the maker, not the man. And this had enlivened her to know more and seen more. She was fully aware of the agony and pains of death even before the first man ever tasted it. Just like Rachael never made it through during the birth of Benjamin, (Genesis 35:16 - 18) all women, your mother inclusive are actually transcending between death and life during childbirth. And this is one of the most cogent reason(s) she is your first Heaven and Resuscitation. She is that whose pains were increased during childbearing (Genesis 3:16). Despite that, she has never shy away from having you.

And your angelic mother never minds all it takes or what she would be going through, she took one of the most giant leaps of faith to have you. She is your first Heaven and your Resuscitation.

Without her mistakes (as some of us once opined) you wouldn’t have been here. So do no longer see it as a mistake. Even if she had you at her early age while she was supposed to be in school?. That woman (your mother) is too great a height for you to look down upon. But for the sake of that golden motherly love. She lowers herself, all her glory, self-worth, spiritual, physical and mentally just to cater to you. Even God the creator doesn't joke with motherhood. As that up to date still remained the credence credible source through and by which His words that humans should multiply and subdue the earth were fulfilled. 

Genesis 1:28 (KJV)
And God blessed them, 
and God said unto them, 
Be fruitful, and multiply, 
and replenish the earth, 
and subdue it: and have 
dominion over the fish 
of the sea, and over the 
fowl of the air, 
and over every 
living thing that 
moveth upon 
the earth.

In a bid to fulfil this, Some of them (Mothers) were even jeered at, rejected and relegated by their supposed to be spouse, family and relatives. Some do not have normal or properly behaved in-laws to caters for their nursing needs and usurpations. Why the word ‘usurpations’? Because that woman upon whose pains and agony your resuscitation was deposited is never by any justified or unjustified reason(s) an object of ridicules. She has not taken away what was yours rather she has given all that belonged to her. She is your first heaven. So, therefore; it is illegal for you to maltreat her. She has invested her life, careers and everything in raising you. Even when you think she is too poor to achieve that.

Nothing on earth is too expensive than been born neither is there any too poor than be dead, but the joy and promises of resurrection by our Lord Jesus Christ have endeared us to an everlasting wealth" God gave you life not through you but through your MOTHER.

Jabez thought he could bypass this, but what a greater mistake of his life?. Which he later lived to regret. Because mother has great influence upon the lives of their children. Just like Hannah who chose the gender and destiny of Samuel before he was born. 1 Samuel 1:11(NIV) And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.”So did Jabez creator directed him to embrace, nurture and appreciate his mother so that his first Heaven; an access to all that leads to the fulfilment of good life i.e his Eden, the source of every human could be open.

Your mother is the best angel
 I have ever known about you

How long do you need to be taught before you know that that woman, your Mother is never an object of ridicule?. Mothers are angels specifically chosen by the creator to be and remain and as well retained the physical resemblance of God for the human race to multiply and subdued the earth. The first and the best angel I have ever known or seen or heard about on any and every human is MOTHER. The more you care for your mother the more and the better you bless your future and your heaven. Because humans coming to the earth passes through Mother, lives on the earth by mother and transcend back to the mother earth through mother. This is deep, but that is nothing else but the gospel truth. 

If you have ever believed in any forms or method of worship. Remember; your mother is the first temple upon which you have ever firstly worship. I didn't know mothers were this important until the Lord opened my eyes and led me along that path whereupon the sanctuary and sanctity of that woman; your mother remained sacred. How do you feel when accusations are coming in circuitous formations targetted at you on how neglected and unkept your mother is?. Remember, she is your first Heaven and Resuscitations. She is never meant to be abandoned. 

A man who has never been born
cannot die. The facts that you are living simply
shows that you were born by a Woman (Mother) 

I Chronicles 4:9-10
was more honourable than his brethren:
 and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, 
Because I bare him with sorrow.

Immediately his (Jabez) Mother named him sorrow his first Heaven were restrained to yield anything sweet except bitterness. God was fully aware of Motherhood and He is not taken it censoriously with anybody. 

10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, 

Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and 
enlarge my coast, and that thine hand
 might be with me, and that thou 
wouldest keep me from evil, 
that it may not grieve me! 
And God granted him that
 which he requested.

Our Lord Jesus Christ laid a very good example of how a mother should be treated in any and every instance(s) but we  shall be considering this chapter; 

John 19:25-27(KJV)
25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, 
and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, 
and Mary Magdalene.

26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother,
 and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, 
he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! 
And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

HE never disrespected his mother by saying 
'Woman, behold thy son! He still regarded her as his earthly mother and bid that disciple whom he loved so much to take good care of his mother. While He continued and fulfilled the work His heavenly Father sent Him to do. As a ransom paid to save our souls.

Luke 2:34-35 New King James Version (NKJV)
34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, 
“Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising
 of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be 
spoken against 

35 (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), 
that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

But how long do you intend to continue piercing her (your mother) soul with a sword (your attitudes towards her ) if you would not be yielded to the voice of wisdom to accept and take good care of your mother?. The quotations up there suggest what the Holy Virgin Mary will go through, as the sacrifice of a son given to her. Because Adam's heart was heavy to released Isaac as a sacrifice, then God provided. (Genesis 22). God has provided you for your mother and your mother for you, so please do take care of her.

Whether Adam carried his wife along or not; God has already determined not to emburden mothers to deprivations. God is quick to listen to her voice on anything that has to do with you.  A mother's tears do not go unheard before the creator. Do not grieve your mother at heart. She has done everything to care or given birth to you within her little God's given best. Please do take good care of one of the best, the Most High has blessed you with. God be with you as you do this in Jesus mighty name.

Dear brethren in Christ much and huge credences are deposited upon mothers. No gospel is ever pleated or preached and completed without that who taught, embrace, talks and nurtures mothers. When I started blogging and I wrote and posted these credences of life that have to do with how, when, where and why a mother should be taken care of, mostly in their old age.  The Lord keep ministering to me to talk about it the more. How could one abandoned his parents and looked unto God for salvation?. Yes. With God all things are possible, but there are lots of huge exception to this when it comes to the situation of that child who abandoned his/her (Parents) Mother. Roman 6:1

Even if you were given up for adoption. It is never enough reason for you to abandon her when she is old and weak. No one has ever been able to adopt emptiness, you were brought to be known and seen by this graceful beloved woman. Then the case of adoption is secondary. There are lots of humans who never made it, just like the lucky YOU.

You are not better than them by been fortunate to be born by this wonderful woman. The first woman upon your life. While you are here contending and pretending on the reason why you should not take good care of this woman. Some never made it down here at all. They were snapped by predators of abortion, miscarriages, fears, premature death, some women even sold off their eggs. But you are here. Praise the good Lord!. But how do you care for that wonderful woman, whose pains and strength scaled through the rigour and peril of childbearing?. She is your first Heaven and Resuscitation.

No one can ever in this whole wide world place you were she placed you. Even Nicodemus was confused about the clock, rhythm and wonder of God on your mother concerning you. (John: 3:4) She puts you in her womb for less, exactly or more than nine months. Carried you with her two blessed and wonderful hands. She put you on her laps and over her womb out which she bore you for solid nine months. She backed you for several years to protect those little wonderful feet of yours from harms and germs. If I may ask you dear brethren. What other parts of this wonderful woman's body have you not exploit?. So, therefore, what other moral or immoral justifications do you have not to take good care of her mostly when she is too old and weak to fend for herself?. Your mother is your first Heaven and Resuscitations.

Your mother was young when you were young. Just imagine how psychological disturbed one would be. She couldn't do things according to her age as that would be too far from the reach of your understanding. She dances when no one was singing. She was the instrumentalist, the vocalist and the choreographer all at the same time. In a bid to give you the most soothing lullaby.

You are reading this because she tolls the path to bring you down here. The promised of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ wouldn’t have been for you if she had never toll that path to have you. You see, She is your first Heaven and your resuscitation. That woman deserved all and more of your cares.

Your sweet Mother
The existing clay extract 
out of which your kettle
was formed
The Creator,
a clay to work with
He said NO!
But your mother
the task
He assigned. 
As He rightly said
My Spirit shall no longer 
abide with human
And therefore their
years was fixed
But women were one
of those who have up to date
elongate the life of the human race.
And that woman is your Mother
Your first Heaven and Resuscitation.   

No! man doesn’t have the womb, they were never naturally gifted with the womb or fallopian tube. An enclave of the oven (Ovum) and incubator; where all the earth (dust) that was used to make human was deposited. Men were never created with flows that are biologically programmed to respond to monthly jetlag. But all these and many more He has deposited within the first woman of your life. Your mother. Your first Heaven and Resuscitation. 

Genesis 2:7 KJV
And the Lord God formed man of the dust
 of the ground, and breathed into his 
nostrils the breath of life;  and man
 became a living soul.

She is that who tasted everything before you do. The woman who wrapped you with her first and forced shawl (her womb) That woman whose unending questions about your health, could send a competent medical personnel out of his/her profession. The one who once upon refused to eat because you wouldn't eat. That woman who defended you against those whom you wouldn't have been able to defend yourself against. 

1 Corinthians 15:46-48 KJV
46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, 
but that which is natural; and afterwards 
that which is spiritual.

47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; 
the second man is the Lord from heaven.

48 As is the earthy, such are they also 
that are earthy: and as is the heavenly,
 such are they also that are heavenly.

The credence of Life about this is that no mortal who disregarded his/her mother should expect to make heaven except until repentance is instituted and forgiveness is granted. Forgiveness is surplus but repentance is scarce. Whatsoever you might have had against that woman, please let it go. Don't just go abandon your first heaven in Local Nursing Home without birthing an eye to check on her.
And here is our little secret; That woman, I mean your mother, is your gateway to real success and breakthrough. Just please do take good care of her. God bless you as you do so.

How do you know or believed in God if she has not begotten thee?. It is a cheer hypocrisy on you laying claims on loving God whom you couldn’t see yet do not love or cater for this good, great, old woman who has done so much to give you life.

Just in case you do not know. That woman is your breath of life receptor. Your first altar and heaven and resuscitation. She is the foundation upon which your world was built. No mother. No spouse. No life, No Sickness, No Healing, No Failure, No Successes etc If this wonderful woman (your mother) declined or withdrawn her roles from the movies of your life.

Honestly speaking; there would be no action, nothing motivating or interesting. Everything might just tend to be total inaction but she was courageous enough. Taking the bull by the horns. She resuscitated you and you become what you are today.

You might be thinking I’ve had all the belly, jolly, merry a mother could offer. That’s why I could sit, writing all this. Your assumption is a big Yes and No!.

A ‘yes’ because life is greater and most needed to be all and whom you ought to be in life. And that through mother the creator has granted. No! Because no matter how white the firmament appeared to be, the greyish, darker side of it can never be totally expunged. We go through some certain things in life, for learning sake. No actual harm intended.

Do you think Hannah could not take adequate and proper care of Samuel; a precious gift she had sorted for the year in, year out?. No, the Elkanah’s is one of the richest but she was wise enough to see into the future by quickly insuring the life of her first given child into the care of HE that has answered her prayers. And she paid the insurance premium daily and yearly through gifts, offering and supplications. She was wise to understand that if Peninnah and her children could be so unkind, unfriendly to her during her stage and years of barrenness. Then what would they not do to her child in order to send her back to barren land?.

Some of what we go through in life are subtle means of protection. To experience more. To Learn More and to know Better. YOUR MOTHER IS NOT IN ANYWAY YOUR ENEMY. SHE IS YOUR FIRST HEAVEN AND YOUR RESUSCITATOR. Love Her, Cherish Her, Eulogize Her. As you can only have one all your life. Even when we deceived ourselves under the guise and law to 'disown' does that really erased the facts that she is our (your) mother?. 

1 Samuel 1:6-7 (NIRV)
6 Peninnah teased Hannah to make her angry. She did it because the LORD had kept Hannah from having children. 7 Peninnah teased Hannah year after year. Every time Hannah would go up to the house of the Lord, Elkanah's other wife would tease her. She would keep doing it until Hannah cried and wouldn't eat.

1 Samuel 1:20-28 (NIV)
20 So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel,[a] saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”

 Hannah Dedicates Samuel
21 When her husband Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow, 22 Hannah did not go. She said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.”[b]
 23 “Do what seems best to you,” her husband Elkanah told her. “Stay here until you have weaned him; only may the Lord make good his[c] word.” So the woman stayed at home and nursed her son until she had weaned him. 24 After he was weaned, she took the boy with her, young as he was, along with a three-year-old bull,[d] an ephah[e] of flour and a skin of wine, and brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh. 25 When the bull had been sacrificed, they brought the boy to Eli, 26 and she said to him, “Pardon me, my lord. As surely as you live, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord. 27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 28 So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.

Let’s digress a little into the life of the man called Folorunsho Alayo. At early age fit enough to be enrolled in the elementary class. My grandfather took me to see my 'aunt' which was then unknown to me as my biological mother. Please, my grandfather pleaded with her to give little financial assistance so that I could be enrolled in School. As childish as I was, immediately I saw her, I rushed at her to embrace her but she shoved me aside. And faced my grandfather to warn him not to ever come near her. That she has nothing to do with me. And she said this to me ‘if not for the unlucky me, she wouldn’t have had anything to do with that wicked man’. So my grandfather should go ahead and do whatever he likes with me or better still he could just end the mystery by dumping me into the nearest river on his way homeward". That was too cruel, you might want to say but I have this to say; "GOD BLESS MY MOTHER." 

Remember; the temple upon which any and every human has ever firstly worshipped is WOMAN. AND THAT IS YOUR SWEET MOTHER

Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV)

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; 
and before thou camest forth out of the womb
 I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

God knew our mothers before we were given to them. Before God decided she will be the one through which He was surely going to give me life. God knew her, chose her for the purpose. Just the way HE chose your mother to give you life or else It could have been Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. But God said 'No.' The woman that will be most important to give each and every one of us life is that exactitudes God in His Almightiness have given to us.

1 Samuel 16:7
King James Bible
But the LORD said unto Samuel, 
Look not on his countenance, or on the height
 of his stature; because I have refused him: 
for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; 
for man looketh on the outward 
appearance, but the
 LORD looketh 
on the heart.

I understand that some of our mothers could be childish or immature in their decisions as youths; but as Christians, we do not have the credence to pay evil for evil. And that in any way was never wickedness as you might be thinking. As going through lots of debilitating sides of life has enabled me to understand more about the vanity of this world. To give more to the needy and helpless, the motherless and the homeless. Because if I could presently sit in the comfort of my room reaching to the faithful across the globe. Lots of brethren are leaving right in the open, under the harsh and unfriendly weather without clothing, shelter or even foods to raise their hope of another day to come. They are all somewhere out there all around us. Please help reach out to them in the Name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen!. Even that single piece of bread you're about tossing into the waste bin could go along way in saving a soul. God bless you as you reach out to the needy unsparingly.    

As I've once lived my life homeless, without food, without direction, sleeping in abandoned buildings, or on any vacant abandoned couch on the street, near the railroad, in the market among the stores. But I thank His Almightiness then, now and forever. These are perils areas that I’ve been through at a very tender age. Back then, I thought I was suffering but never knew that I was actually gathering credence(s) of life that will one day be needful and useful for both of us. I made it out of those psychological quagmires but there are many all around us. Whose life you could help touched one way or the other. Summing this up, Your mother is your heaven and your first resuscitation do not abandon her for any reason. PLEASE TAKE GOOD AND ADEQUATE CARE OF YOUR MOTHER IN HER OLD AGE. DON'T ABANDON HER. SHE IS NEVER AN HEIRLOOM TO BE BANDON. GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU DO THESE (AMEN)  


So before others or you wish yourself
happy birthday consider how very most
happily, you have treated the woman
God used to grant you the

 1Peter 3:8-15
8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, 
love one another, be compassionate and humble. 

9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. 
On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, 
because to this you were called so 
that you may inherit a blessing. 

10 For, “Whoever would love life
 and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
 and their lips from deceitful speech.

11 They must turn from evil and do good;
    they must seek peace and pursue it.

12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
    and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”[a]

13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 

14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, 
you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats
[b]; do not be frightened.”

[c] 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. 
Always be prepared to give an answer 
to everyone who asks you to give the reason 
for the hope that you have. But 
do this with gentleness and respect,

Despite all I’ve gone through, I  do not hold anything against her or anyone anywhere, as I still traced my steps back to locating her and I’m taking good care of her within every available resource of my strength and ability. All the fanfare that probably made her abandoned and disowned me back then were no longer there. But it's my duty to restore back, the good Lord made me through her and she is my first Heaven and Resuscitation. And this I expect you to do also to that wonderful woman. Your Mother. She is your first heaven and Resuscitation.

If you would not take care of your mother while she is still alive. How would you feel; when others around you and all over the world are celebrating their precious mothers?. What would you do when she eventually goes home to be with her maker?. What kind of biography or epitaph do you want to write on her funeral program or inscribed on her tomb?. And will you be bold enough to attend such a funeral or service of song in respect of this wonderful doyen?. When you gaze at the neatly designed program poster or invitation, how do you feel?. A million wreath neatly or roughly placed on her tomb or casket is no longer useful. Instead, while she is still alive, give her good food, housing, good health care and ensured you do not get too far away from her. She has wrapped you in her womb; and around her heart. No amount of good, quality clothes is too expensive to buy for this wonderful mother. Who has given more than you could ever reciprocate?

Your mother is the best grace you have ever gotten; how do you get to be proud of whatever, if that precious woman did not decides you are worthy of a life and reason to live?. There would definitely not be any class or religion. Let me give you this little secret. Whatsoever religion you profess, your mother is the first to enrol you. She was the first to take you there. How did you profess to know Christ in the flesh, if your good, Godly, wonderful mother did not give birth to you?. Even our Lord Jesus Christ was born of the Holy Virgin Mary, not Holy virgin Joseph. (No insults to Fathers, thank sirs) Praise the Lord. 

Another credence of life about this is that She won't be here forever. She is got to meet her maker one day and if she goes up there without you taking care of her while she is down here. Off course, you'll occasionally bump into people who knew all about how well or bad you've treated your mother; your first heaven; the envelope and receptor of your ban from the garden of Eden. Some of them might be bold enough to reprimand you while some will just look at you and moved on.  Then you will remember HOW?, WHEN?, WHY? AND WHERE? you abandoned her. All you see at the moment is her picture and then your right or wrong judgement about her. While the motherly rest on in the bosom of her Lord and Saviour. By then the deed had been done and the opportunity to right the wrong might just not be there anymore. Offcourse. You would love to, but it just might be too late. Remember!. The kobo (dime; probably that is all you could presently muster to spend on her, go ahead. Even from the little you could give.) you spent on her while she is still living is bigger, better and valuable than the millions spent on her burial ceremony. If you don't act NOW.  It might just be too late.

Mark 12:43-44 New Living Translation (NLT) 

43 Jesus called his disciples to him and said, 
“I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more
 than all the others who are making contributions. 
44 For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, 
but she, poor as she is, 
has given everything she had to live on.”

Your Mother is your right
and your right is on and for 
your Mother to care and

And I seized these golden opportunities to pray with those whose mother has gone to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. May the joy and expectations of Resurrection be for us all In Jesus mighty name. (Amen)

Thank you so much for all the positive feedback I've received all around the globe on turning new leaves toward taking good and adequate cares of our Mothers, Our first Heaven and Resuscitation. When next you mail or chat on WhatsApp with me, I definitely want to know and hear more about how wonderfully you've taken care of your Mother. 

As you can only have one all your life, So treat her very well as if, you are the only treasure(s)  She has ever gotten. God bless you as you do this. (Amen)


I am definitely still going to talk, explain and, expatiate on the farmer (father) who chose and tills the ground and monitor to guide against any and every impending or intruding pest and predators but the soil, ground and seed (You) need first to be discussed and that is your Sweet Mother; 
Your first Heaven and Resuscitations. 

And in taking good and adequate care of your mother, do not forget that good and wonderfully made man who chose your good mother for you. That is your father. The sixth day work of the Creator.

Rejoice in the Lord always; 
and again I say, 
Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 

You can please send your prayer request or any 
questions to the contacts below; Tel: +234 8033646382, 
+234 8023956872 (WhatsApp) 

You can also please support this ministry to rent the landed property as a
worship centre with any amount that is most convenient for you. 
Bank acct: Alayo Lateef Folorunsho 3013041255 (First Bank Nigeria Plc)

And we pray and thank God Almighty and Our Lord Jesus Christ to bless
those whose financial assistance has been received and every believer all over

the world.  May the peace and grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST 
continue to be with us all Amen. 

was never sent to condemn 
but to save You.
John 3:17

Folorunsho Alayo

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